Picture a long table set under the shade of twisting grape vines on a warm summer's evening. One by one our friends are arriving, each one carrying their favorite Italian dish or drink. We eat and drink with happy hearts and before long, the guitars and accordions are filling the air with song. Everyone is eating, drinking, laughing, singing and dancing. As the sun sets, we are filled in every way and no one wants this evening to end.
So, come join us in a celebration of the sweet life, it's a gathering of friends not to be missed! We are accepting your Italian dishes and drinks until March 22nd.
This is what you need to do to participate:
*Create a post featuring your favorite dish or drink. Remember to please link to both Maryann and I so others can participate. You are welcome to use our Festa Italiana graphic.
*Send an email to me (prouditaliancook@hotmail.com) or Maryann at ( msgfarm@gmail.com) by March 22nd. Please put the words "Festa Italiana" in the subject line.
*Tell us your name, your blog's name, your blog's url, the name of the dish, and a permalink to the post where your dish appears. Photo's must be no bigger than 350 pixels wide. Height does not matter.
*All are welcome, but we ask that your email be in English, please.
* Only one entry please*
Maryann and I will be hosting a roundup shortly after March 22nd.